Patient Information
​All consultations with a doctor require an appointment.
Children under 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Long appointments are available if you have several items or a complex issue to discuss, with a gap fee of $50.
A fee may apply if you do not attend an appointment. Two hours notice of cancellation is required. DNA fee $40.
Bulk Billing available Monday to Friday for eligible Medicare card holders
Some of our GP's provide a mixed billing service on weekdays. Please check at the time of making an appointment.
Patients with Medicare, DVA, Pensioners Concession Card, Health Care Card and Commonwealth Seniors Card can be bulk-billed for a standard appointment on most weekdays. All children under 16 year of age will be bulk billed Monday to Friday for standard consultation.
Private billing on weekends only
Phone Calls /Tele-Health
Some of our doctors do bulk-billing telephone appointments (telehealth) for patients with Medicare that have been to the clinic in person within the last 12 months.
Translation Services
National Relay Service (NRS) for patients who are deaf 133 677.
Translation and Interpreter Services (TIS) for patients who speak languages other than English 131 450.
If you need a translator, please ask before your appointment.
After Hours
If it is an emergency, always dial 000 and ask for an ambulance.
For After Hours Doctor please call 137 425.
Various private and public hospitals located within Brisbane have an Emergency Department (ED). These include the Wesley Hospital (Auchenflower), The Mater (South Brisbane), & RBWH (Herston).
You can also call 13HEALTH, and speak to a registered nurse to discuss your issue.
Health Assessments
The government offers a complete physical and mental check-up free of charge. Your doctor and the practice nurse will assess you and may produce a care plan.
Chronic Disease Management
Our doctors manage the health needs of patients with chronic medical conditions, including patients needing multidisciplinary care by completing a GP Management Plan.
Repeat Prescriptions
Most medications may only be safely prescribed with a consultation. Please make an appointment for repeats of medications. Be advised we do not prescribe opioids (s4 + s8 drugs).
If your medical condition requires further assessment, your doctor may refer you to a specialist. Your doctor will need to see you and provide you with a written referral.
Reminder System
Our practice is committed to preventative care. We will seek your permission to be included on our health reminder system.
We may issue you with a reminder via SMS from time to time offering you preventative health services. If you do not wish to be a part of this system, please let reception know.
Results and Recalls
Any blood tests, radiology tests or letters from other healthcare providers will go back to your regular doctor. We use HotDoc for any non-urgent results and recalls. We contact patients directly if the report requires urgent review. Please note that all patients are required to make an appointment with their regular doctor for results/recalls.
Facilities Nearby
Pathology - 4Cyte (inside the clinic).
Pharmacy - WholeLife Pharmacy
Radiology - Catalyst Radiology (next door).
Privacy Policy
Your medical record is a confidential document. Our practice policy is to always maintain protection of your personal health information and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised medical members of our staff. All of your results that you would like us to email to you will be sent out as a password-protected PDF from the BestPractice system.
This practice is committed to providing comprehensive general practice care to all individuals and families in this community. All patient consultations and medical records are kept strictly confidential.
If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you may receive from this practice, we are keen to know about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or the Practice Manager about any problems you may have with the service provided. If you believe the matter needs to be escalated, please call the Queensland Health Quality & Complaints on 1800 077 308 or visit the website www.hqcc.qld.gov.au.